Publicaciones / Publications

Dubai Case Study,  2016
Dec, 2016. Smart Sustainable Cities KPIs. A Case Study of Smart Dubai

Authors/Autores: International Telecommunication Union. Daniela Torres (Greencitic), Silvia Guzmán Araña (Greencitic), et all.
Summary/Resumen: Dubai has released the results of the pilot project to evaluate the feasibility of key performance indicators for #SmartCities. Case study charting the Smart Dubai journey from its initial planning stages through to the current status of related ICT applications, with lessons learnt along the way for all emerging smart cities. / Caso de estudio sobre la evaluación de uso de indicadores de desempeño de Ciudades Inteligentes y Sostenibles en Smart Dubai.
Language/Idioma: english
See Report Online here

Nov, 2016. Sustainable management of electrical & electronic waste in Latin America

ITU, E-Waste Latam Report
Authors/Autores: Daniela Torres (Greencitic) and Silvia Guzmán (Greencitic), Ruediger Kuehr and Federico Magalini (UNU), Leila Devia (Basel Convention Regional Center – Latin America), Alfredo Cueva and Elisabeth Herbeck (UNIDO), Matthias Kern (Secretariat of Basel Convention), Sebastián Rovira (ECLAC), Marie-Noel Bruné Drisse and Agnes Soares da Silva (WHO), Antonio Pascale and Amalia Laborde (WHO Collaborating Centre in Montevideo, Uruguay), Irene Kitsara (WIPO), Guilherme Canela De Souza Godoi (UNESCO) and Ivana Rivero Basiniani (Consultant).
Summary/Resumen: This study was carried out to determine the current status of the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE or e-waste) and used electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) in Latin America and to define the guidelines for a roadmap that would ensure the environmental sustainability of e-waste management in the region.
Language/Idioma: english / español
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ICT Sector KPIs
Sept, 2012. KPIs for Environmental Management in the ICT Sector
(Toolkit for Environmental Sustainability of the ICT Sector, ITU)
Authors/Autores: Daniela Torres (Telefónica), Manuel Uzandizaga (Telefónica).
Summary/Resumen: It defines the process for defining environmental key performance indicators (KPI) for environmental management in the ICT Sector. / Describe el procesos para definir Indicadores Ambientales de Gestión (KPIs) para gestión ambiental, de energía y carbono en las empresas del Sector TIC.
Language/Idioma: english
Download here

Dec, 2010. Using ICTs to tackle climate change
ICTs for Climate

Authors/Autores: Keith Dickerson (Climate Associates), Daniela Torres (Telefónica), Jean-Manuel Canet (France Telecom), John Smiciklas (Research In Motion), Dave Faulkner (Climate Associates), & Cristina Bueti y Alexandre Vassiliev (International Telecommunication Union).
Summary/Resumen: It summarizes with clear examples how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. It was presented in Cancun during the COP 17 / Describe como las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) pueden ser utilizadas de muchas formas para enfrentar el cambio climático en sus dos frentes: la mitigación y la adapatación. Fue presentado en la Cumbre COP 17 en Cancun.
Language/Idioma: english
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Nov, 2010. A Fondo: El Hype Cyple de Gartner para la sostenibilidad y el Green IT: Una apuesta por la innovación green.
Authors/Autores: Daniela Torres (Telefónica).
Summary/Resumen: Este “A Fondo” tiene como objetivo identificar las tecnologías descritas en el Hype Cycle (HC) de Gartner para la Sostenibilidad y Green IT para un potencial desarrollo de negocio en el sector TIC y sobre todo en empresas de telecomunicaciones.
Language/Idioma: español
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Nov, 2005. Environmental Management Plan for PCBs in the Electricity Company Quito.
Authors/Autores: Daniela Torres (University of Calgary)
Summary/Resumen: This report includes an environmental management plan for management of Polychlorinated Byphenils at the Electricity Company Quito in Ecuador. .
Language/Idioma: english
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Nov, 2005. Integration of Sustainable Development in the Power Sector Reform in South America
Authors/Autores: Daniela Torres, Hortensia Jimenez, Carlos Hunte, Guetzy Rojas and Marco Mazaferro. (University of Calgary)
Summary/Resumen: This report includes an strategic analysis of the introduction of sustainable development principles in during the power sector reform in South America, including: environmental management, integration, affordability, renewable energy issues in the process.
Language/Idioma: english
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